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Membership at CECU is open to

Employees of associated companies (listed here), and any other company approved by the Board of Directors*.

*Should members cease to be employees of our associated companies (as per above), he/she has the option to continue being members of CECU, once monthly contributions continue to be made to service their share accounts.

*Should a member decide to close his/her account and proceed to work for a company that is not listed as an associated company, he/she will not be permitted to rejoin CECU (unless he/she has an immediate family member who is a CECU member).

Immediate family of CECU members, who are defined as parents, siblings, spouses and children.  Contributions of Members to their CECU accounts shall be in the form of weekly, fortnightly or monthly deposits.  These contributions can be made via the approved channels of CECU.

Consultants and/or Service Providers of CECU that are approved by the Board of Directors of Directors.